Staying overweight (rantish)

Brittany • Mommy to a wonderful 12yr old boy, 9yr old boy 7yr old girl 6yr old girl and 3yr old girl. Due March 11th 2023 with a boy.

I swear my SO wants me to stay overweight. When we go together I was 149lbs I worked hard to get that low. I was 209. Anyways, after we got together I quickly gained weight cuz all he wanted to do was eat out and I didn't even notice myself gaining the weight (30lbs) and then I got pregnant the 1st time we had sex. Not a big deal cuz we were engaged. I only gained 17lbs, but I didn't seem to lose any of it. 4mths after our daughter was born we decided to have another got pregnant the 1st month, i only gained 15lbs with her. I breastfed for 15.5mths and didn't seem to lose much weight so here I sit at 199lbs. So I started watching my carbs and doing just dance's just sweat cardio work out everyday. Well the weekend came and what does he want to do? Oh eat out every freaking day! So thank you for the pizza, Chinese, and McDonald's this weekend. I don't over eat when go to those places but the food still isn't healthy and I don't like McDonald salads. He knows I'm trying to lose weight so he buys a bunch of pop and I love soda it's one of the hardest things not to have. I think the real problem is he is 350lbs and if I lose weight he's going to think he needs to. Which he does for health issue reasons. He tells me he likes me the way I am, but I don't. My opinion of me should matter more than his and he should just be happy I'm trying to get healthy. My kids deserve for me to be healthy. I'm trying to have more control over his sabotaging ways and what I consume lol.