Jocelyn • I’m 19, have been struggling with PCOS almost all my life. Have questions on what PCOS is I can answer them.

My name is Jocelyn I found out I had PCOS at the age of 11. Having PCOS has always been something that brings me down, I have to live with seeing tons of thick body hair that makes me feel like I’m a “MAN” thinking omg are they looking at my face when I forget to shave, having to feel like a stranger in my own body. Literally gaining so much weight because of the pill. I’m 19 now and still feel trapped and ugly in my own body. I’m 223 pounds and I’m not proud of it, as I work out I feel like I do nothing because I don’t see any results. Yes I eat healthy, yes I have motivation.

My PCOS experience has been from pill to pill seeing which one with actually give me my period. It’s honestly been a devastation to me in a way that I think about it more in depth and I feel like I might not be able to get pregnant one day. But yeah sorry for the long paragraph but this is my little story.