What should I do..?


Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and 8 months now plus he lives with me now and has since last May. At first it was great but a few months into the relationship he got supper over protective telling me who I can/can’t talk to(even my friends), having to always know where I’m at and who I am with. At first I didn’t really care I just thought he was being a good boyfriend but then I lost all my friends because of him and it started getting to the point that I couldn’t leave the house because he would get mad and think I was out cheating. He even gets on my phone and reads all my messages plus on my IWatch I had put a password on but he got mad about it. Fast forward to now we have fought sooo many times he has called me many names and every time I talk to any of my guy friends he says I’m cheating. I love him to death but for the past seven months or so all we do is fight and it’s over the stupidest things and I can’t stop him from being mad at me. He gets pissed of at everything I do and if I don’t do something like he wants it and when he wants it he gets mad. I have a friend that I think I’m starting to like and he knows everything that has gone on about mine and my boyfriends relationship and he has stuck by my side through it all. Part of me wants to break up with my boyfriend because I’m worried that all we will do for the rest of the relationship is fight but the other part can’t help but think I need to stay with him that if I break up with him again(tried three times before didn’t last) it gonna be the worst decision every. I have the worst anxiety just thinking about making a decision. I just would like everyone’s opinion on what to do...