
Yo get ready for some pretty fucked shit..okay well first off im a guy so keep that in girlfriend and I have been together for 2 almost 3 years. We recently started trying to have a baby in March 2017. She was previously on birth control on and off for a few weeks. She had an allergic reaction so she stopped taking it. January 20, 2018 she took a home pregnancy test because she was 11 DPO and the test came back positive. We were both excited nervous scared and anxious but happy overall. She was about 5 weeks and 3 days. Her birthday ( February 16 ) she told me she was feeling weird, and sure enough she started spotting a little. We didnt think much because she said she looked up what it was and according to what she said spotting is common. The next day she was having intense cramping, excessive bleeding and swollen ankles. I went with her to the ER and they confirmed she had a miscarriage. We then found out that she had endometriosis. Shes been getting blood tests every week or so up until today ( March 5 2018 ) to check on her hormone levels. The bleeding and cramps seemed to have ended and she wants to try again but it kills me to say this she does not want to do anything im regards to her condition to get it taken care of. I keep telling her if she wants to have kids she and I both need to address the issue and see what our options are so we dont loose a baby if we want to try again in the future ( which we will ). One of her doctors gave her antiotics to take to help with it and painkillers for the cramps, another doctor suggested she stop taking anything so she did. I tried talking to her again today about what SHE needs to do so WE dont have a miscarriage again because she keeps bringing it up and i understand that but she only brings it up because she sees people around her get lregnant and is mad because she cant be but at the same time she is not willing to listen to what i have to say in order to get rid of her endometriosis so she CAN have babies without complications. The doctors recommend she get on birth control to regulate her hormones and regulate her cycle but she will not take it. I did alot more research in regards to what we can do to help her condition and it seems like i am the only one taking this seriously. I told her from what i read she needs surgery to get it removed and when i asked her how it will affect her in the future if she wont treat it now she said “ it wont im fine ill be fine ” and i asked how does she know if she wont treat it and her exact responce was “ because i said ill be fine ”. I dont know what else to do to get her to stop being so hard headed and to get the help from doctors she needs so her endometriosis doesnt worsen. She was diagnosed with acute endometriosis but according to her symptopms and what ive been reading about im more than certain she is a stage 2. I want to hear from people who have experienced something similar or who have / live with endometriosis because it is really kind of pissing me off how shes not taking this serious but wants kids at the same time. Somebody out there reading this please help me im loosing patience i dont know how she will listen to me