Please give me advice?


Progesterone people! Ladies on Clomid! I have a dilemma.

So I guess I’m a clomid veteran at his point. I’m going on my 5th cycle. Still no BFP. I ovulated CD18,20,16 the first three rounds. This last month I went in earlier at CD15 and was told I did not respond to the clomid (thinner lining and no mature follicles) but I did have 2 follicles that were small like 10mm and less. They gave me progesterone and I took it, but AF still hasn’t come!!! I’m honestly beginning to think I ovulated later and conceived! Hubby and I were less stressed this cycle and really went at it after my scan for the next week. But regardless, it’s been like 12 days since stopping progesterone and I’m now 2 days late for when AF was due according to my cycle days. I haven’t tested yet because I’m nervous. Im just curious if anyone has ovulated in a cycle when they thought they weren’t going to? Help!!! Baby dust to all!