TMI multiple periods . Please help ?


So in December my doctor had me take Provera to start my period and I had one Dec 21-24th , then he started me on Femara (Letrozole) to take on days 3-7 to kickstart ovulation. I tested on day 21 they said I did not ovulate . Then on January 17th I started again on cycle days 3-7 I took the Femara, that bleeding blasted for 8 days then 10 days later I started bleeding again that lasted 7 days and was heavy/dark. (Feb 3-9) . Feb 6th was supposed to be my day 21 to get blood work , I once again did not ovulate but was told because I was bleeding it might mess up the test. Then on Feb 19th I started bleeding again it was light and dark but my doctor had me take Femara on days 3-7 and come in on March 12 for blood work to see if I ovulated this time but yesterday March 6th when I wiped there was bright red blood, only happened once . And today I’ve had dark almost like copper colored when I wipe and in my pad (pretty light amount) . I always have really bad cramps but they’ve been bad since the beginning of February . Could This possibly be forming ovulating or is it something else ? Please help