Relationship Anxiety


Hey, so I’m 16 turning 17 in a week and I think I have some really bad relationship anxiety. The last time I was in a relationship was in 8th grade (so it wasn’t anything serious) but since then I freak out about relationships?

For example, I have had multiple “things” with boys since then but I always shut it down because I get really nervous and end things and almost find reasons not to like them? I don’t know if this is weird or not. All of my close friends have boyfriends / girlfriends (and I’m being serious- my three closest girls friends AND my only two close guy friends) so I just don’t understand why I can’t just not freak out about someone being interested in me or having a “fun” physical relationship. (Not sex, just making out)

It’s just really frustrating and sometimes I don’t think I’m normal because I get so nervous over things that other people don’t get nervous about. (I use to have lots of anxiety I’ve gotten over mostly but I guess some is left over in areas I don’t face often. And I think stuff might stem from my parents shitty relationship?)

Can anyone give me tips to get over anxiety in this area. I’m kind of interested in someone and I want to possible initiate something but I know it always ends fast because relationships terrify me. Thanks xxx