What’s going on? Do I tell the wife?


I’ve been seeing this guy for about a year. He’s a doctor. We grew really close. Moved quick. I did a background check and found out he was married. He promised me he chose me over her and they were separated but she lost her job and he wouldn’t just leave her like that. He grew close to my special needs son and started moving stuff in. He begged me to take out my IUD and have a family with him and quit my job... so I did. He’s been supporting us. I left for 8 days with my son, grandma, mom to Disney. My ex - sons father came down for two days we are very close just not compatible. My boyfriend got mad when I came back because I needed my alone time. I was hormonal they think I just had a chemical pregnancy I wanted to pick up my house and just go to bed and not be grumpy with him. Long trips make for grumpy time for me I just wanted an hour or two of silence so I could unpack and unwind. Anyway so he disappeared for 2 days to his friends (he told me after I showed up at the apartment he rents for another month because his lease is up then). I didn’t care. I have been hormonal again like I stated and I didn’t trust him something wasn’t right. So I had my friend text his wife because he hasn’t filed and that’s weird- this dude has been begging to have a child with me even brought me a prego jar. Begging to buy me a ring.. etc... now she came back from 12 hours away where she was living and he’s staying with her. He wont talk to me around her isn’t staying isn’t here every night but has came over twice because I was bawling and also ended up doing the deed. He hasn’t talked to a divorce lawyer. He told me he admitted it to her so why is he pushing me away now? What do I do? Give it time? Or should I tell her everything? I have every text message, vacation picture, you name it. Here’s what she sent my friend key she won’t answer if they are together :( would yall wanna know if your man was doing this on the side?