Does it make me a monster?

Tuesday I took a test after I realized I was late. It came back positive. I have an appointment tomorrow to confirm that it's real with my gyno. I have an appointment with planned parenthood already to abort the pregnancy. My husband and I have a 14 month old. We love her. But right now we are not in the right moment of our lives for child two (new job, not a big enough house, financial concerns, commitments for different things this year that wouldn't work out for anyone with me being pregnant). I'm nervous and anxious to get this procedure done. I just want it over with so I don't have to worry about it anymore. I only have 3 people beside my husband and I who know, my best friend and her husband who will watch my daughter while my husband and I are at planned parenthood and my husband's best friend. I don't want to tell anyone else in our lives. Why? Because I want this over. I feel right about my decision and I don't think I'm going to regret it at all. Does that make me a monster?