Short Cervix.. 23 Weeks.. Cervix Opened! Update 1!


4 days ago the doctors discovered that I had a short cervix and my son was breeched. Then after checking they realized my cervix was open 4cm already. They told me being that I'm only 23 weeks my son is liable to die. The more days that go by in which my water doesn't break the better. So far I've made it 4 days. I been on bed rest (No Movement) I use a bed pan to use the rest room. If I can go 5 more weeks the better chance the baby has if he was to come 5 weeks later. I could basically spend my whole pregnancy in the hospital. It's been a lot to take in but I have so much faith in my body.. my son .. and me. We made it 4 days we just got to keep going. Anyone ever experienced this ??

Update 1 : The doctor finally came in ... He said that I need to get up and use the rest room because even though I got the pressure things on my legs I need to do some type of movement.. He said usually they'll send me home since nothing happened so far but they're okay with me staying here. He's waiting on the nicu to give him an exact time period on when the baby is viable (likely to live if born) he said usually 24 weeks is when a baby is viable.. They gon do an ultrasound tuesday to see how big he is. That's a good start. We got this I git faith in us 💕🙌🏾