Trying Anal


Hey everyone! I’ve been wanting to try anal with my boyfriend. We’ve tried a few times but I’m too tight and he can’t get in my butt. Does anyone have any advice on how to do anal for the first time? I know lots of lube but any positions or suggestions like that? Get super drunk first? 😂😂 thanks ladies

UPDATE: Hello ladies!! Exciting news. The other night my boyfriend and I successfully had anal sex. I liked the feeling of him fingering my butt during doggy, but I’m still a little weirded out by actual anal sex. I didn’t get as much pleasure from anal as I do vaginal, but everyone I have talked to says it takes a few times to enjoy anal as much, if not more. So thank you all for your helpful tips! I’m so glad we were able to try it and experience it. I love this app because everyone is so supporting and gives great advice. Thank you ladies.