

So I’m in a pretty bad relationship, we’ve been together for over two years and live together. We fight everyday, I’m an emotional wreck all the time, why? Because he says he loves me but is disconnected from our relationship 24/7. He never touches me, it’s embarrassing because I have to beg him to have sex with me, and when he does it’s half ass. We have sex once a month...if even. He won’t hug or kiss me, or let alone cuddle me. Yet again I have to beg him, and he’s weirded out whenever I do it to him. We never go anywhere together, he never wants to leave the house unless it’s with his friends, nor do we eat dinner together. We haven’t been on a date in half a year. Whenever I bring up these issues with him he calls me overdramatic, claims he’s just tired and would rather spend his free time doing things he /wants/ to do. It hurts, a lot, I feel like my emotions are being belittled and I see a man who once treated me like the world, and I hope there’s still some of that in him. Unfortunately I couldn’t take it anymore and I’m moving out in August, I haven’t broken up with him but I feel like the only reason we’re still together is because we’re forced to live together in a small studio space, I’m still on the lease for 6 months and have to pay the rent. Now here is where the problem comes in, there is this guy who comes into my work a lot

, really sweet and wants to go on a date with me. I don’t know what to do? He doesn’t know the situation and I don’t want to give up on a good chance because I’m forced to be in a relationship, and it sucks because I still love my boyfriend, and I want things to work out, I just can’t take the pain anymore. Please help?