The struggle of a working mom

So I’ve finally gone back to work. I seriously thought it was going to be so hard but it wasn’t. I’m loving the working mom thing. But my husband wanted to watch the baby in the mornings well I worked. I suggested we get family help but he refused. My husband has been really bad at feeding and putting him to sleep. For some reason my son just hates to sleep with him or drink a bottle from him. So my husband said he could figure it out and try to handle watching him this week. Well my poor son is so exhausted every day by the time I get home. He’s beyond fussy. He only takes two 30 min naps with his dad but sometimes only one. I’m gone 7 hours a day. I feel horrible that my poor baby isn’t sleeping. Anyone else experience anything like this? I’m trying to figure out how my husband can get better. I know that he’s constantly trying is going to eventually work out. But my poor baby can’t handle no sleep