
So I’m 16 turning 17 and he is 18 turning 19 , we’ve been talking for a month I told him how I felt and he said he isn’t ready for a relationship he needs to focus on his life which I totally understand. He works at the school I got to he is a student trainee as he graduated last year, I’m seriously getting the feels for this boy, after I told him how I felt he still wanted to talk to me which I don’t get most boys would just run. I feel myself around him he gets me as a person I’ve never had anyone like that before. I know we can’t date bc of many reasons plus he wants to move to Canada but how can I try to make things work I care so much about him and if we dont talk for 1 day I feel like I’m lost without him I’ve got this feeling he likes me back but I just dk I’m really want this to work but I can’t force it