Jackson made his arrival! 👣❤💕


So here goes my birth story & it will be long! It was Wednesday, March 7th & I was 39 weeks & 2 days pregnant and I was having a normal day, just wondering when my little guy was going to make his appearance (as I wondered every single day since I was 38 weeks pregnant! 😂) then around 6pm I started having contractions, which I thought were Braxton hicks because they was not painful at all but I could feel them in my back wrap around my lower abdomen & feel tightness go to the top of my bump then around 8pm I started to notice they were coming every 3-5 mins apart & lasting 45secs-1min long. I called my mom to let her know & she said that it sounds like I'm in labor & that I need to go to hospital but I decided not to go since they were not painful & everyone kept saying "you will know when you go into labor" & me being a FTM, I just did not know. Around 11pm, I decided to take a shower & told myself if I still feel these contractions then I will go. I was in the shower for only 20 mins & felt the contractions in the shower so once I got out I told my fiance to get ready that we needed to go to the hospital, it was now midnight & we then get ready & on the way to the hospital (15 min drive) the contractions were starting to get uncomfortable but still bearable. I honestly thought that once I would get there they would just discharge me since I wasn't in pain but low and behold I get there & get hooked up to the moniters, she said "yes it looks like your in labor" checks me & I was 3cm dilated & 80 effaced but doesn't admit me yet because their protocol they are to wait 2 hours to see if you dilate more. 2 hours go by & I'm still the same but my contractions got worse, the pain was so bad!! The nurse tells me that they normally just discharge since there was no progression but she said we could wait another 2 hours, I actually said let me go home, I was so tired & I felt if this wasn't it then I want to be comfortable in my home & I rather labor there as long as I could but she didn't feel comfortable enough to let me go. So another 2 hours goes by & she checks me & I'm 6cm & 100 effaced! Yay, we are not leaving without a baby & making good progress. I was in so much pain though so she gave me this drink that apparently helps subside the pain & tasted like Yeager & you also had to take it like a shot, once I dranked that I instantly threw it up. I got hooked up to an IV & they gave me pain meds but they did not work at all. I ask for the epidural & once I got it, it was also not working, he pumped it in the direct line 3 times & my legs were complete numb but I was feeling contractions in my lower abdomen still & it was bad!! I remember dosing off but then waking up when a big contraction came & I got checked again & still 6cm & I dosed off again then got checked & still a 6cm! My doctor comes in & it's in the morning (don't know times) & she broke my waters & started me on pitocin since I was stuck at 6cm. Next thing I remember was being woke up at 10 am & doctor checked me & said I was 9cm but there was a little bit of cervix in the way & she could just move it & we can start pushing. At 10:54am we started a few practice pushes then at 11:07am we actually started pushing. Baby heart rate dropped only a few times but they rolled me on me on my side then started to push again & at 12:23pm on March 8th, Jackson was born! Weighed 7lbs & was 20 3/4 inches long. I'm so in love with my baby boy! 😙❤💖