Feeling down


So I told the guy I’ve been talking to about how I wanted a baby. Here’s a little backstory: we were originally seeing each other on and off from September through December of last year. A few weeks ago we started talking again. We hadn’t met up personally yet since we started talking again. We did physically met and go on dates when we seeing each other before, it’s just when we started talking again we haven’t had the chance to meet up. So before we started talking again, I had been thinking about having a baby and was going to start taking the steps to have a baby on my own. I also did have an ex offer to help me conceive a few days ago. I have not given my ex an answer, because I knew I had to factor the guy I’ve been talking to in my decision. I wanted to have that conversation with the guy I’ve been talking to in person but since I don’t when that would happen, I took my chance today when he called me. He tried to talk me out of it. He had all these arguments against it. Starting with my age. I’m going to be 40 next month and he’s the same age. Then he started going on about how hard it was to raise his nieces and nephews (mind you they have parents) but he was talking like he did it all for them. Then he starts going on about how things aren’t like how when we were kids and it’s much hard to raise a kid now. I told him I was letting him know because I didn’t want him to feel blindsided later, if I do get pregnant. I also told him that if I knew we would definitely become more serious then I would have been more patient and waited to start a family. I also told him so if this was to much for him, than we could end things before we got too serious. But it felt like he really wanted me to change my mind and not have a baby. I tried to explain to him that I feel like I have a void in my life and since I don’t have any siblings that I don’t have the luxury of having nieces or nephews that I can treat as my own. I feel like I’m at the point that if I don’t have a baby now than I never will. I have a feeling I’ll never hear from him again.