My 4 HOUR LABOR!!!! Birth story✨💕🌼


This is past due...

My beautiful little blessing, Zinnia Von, came into this world at 11:22 a.m December 18th. Here’s our story.

This was my first time being pregnant so I really didn’t know what to except. I lost weight in the beginning from “morning sickness” for 15 weeks straight. I refused to take anything for it- I just dealt with it (barley) Then, after that pasted I gained 60 pounds by the end of my pregnancy . I went from 111 to 165. My doctor wasn’t very happy about that lol.

My plan was to have an all natural water birth experience...well that plan didn’t happen at all.

I went to my 39 week prenatal appointment. I was actually kind of upset that my baby hadn’t arrived yet. I had been having very strong Braxton hick contractions since 33 weeks. They weren’t consistent but very intense not painful though.

The nurse takes my blood pressure & it was very high for me. 145/90. . So my doctor comes & tells me they will check it again after I relax for a few minutes. Then he ask me if I would like to be checked to see if I’ve dilated any. He checks me & I was 4 cm dilated & he said I was pretty thinned out..

when they took my blood pressure again it was still high. My doctor was concerned about preeclampsia so sent me to labor & delivery.

They hooked me up to the monitors, took my blood & all that. I looked up at the monitor screen & I was apparently having full blown contractions. I looked at my mom & said “ I JUST THOUGHT THEY WERE BRAXTON HICKS OMG AM I IN LABOR FORREAL THO?!”

About two hours past of very consistent, painless contractions. The nurse comes to check me again. I progressed to 6 cm. They said I was in labor & was going to be admitted. I asked if I could eat, they said no so I started crying. I was not happy. I didn’t have my hospital bag or my baby’s hospital bag with me & for some reason I was pissed 😂

Well I stopped progressing & I begged my doctor to let me go home. So he did.

I stayed in bed literally all weekend. My doctor was out of town & I wanted him to be the one to deliver my baby.

My due date was December 19th. On Sunday the 17th my mom & I went for a few walks & went to the mall. I looked at her & said “the baby will be here Tomorrow” she said “but youve been saying that everyday for 2 weeks” 😂

I woke up Monday morning at 7:30ish to a cramp. I rolled over thinking i was just laying wrong. The feeling came again. I decided to get up to get some water & it came again but more painful. I knew that I was in actual labor this time. I went to go wake up my mom & told her that I’m in labor to get ready.

I went to take a shower. 5 minutes had passed & these contractions were coming ever 2 minutes. PAINFUL. My mom ran to the sonic right by our house to get me an ice water. I cried because I told her I just wanted ice. I tried to lay down on my bed to cry about it but the contractions were getting stronger so I knew I need to hurry before I had my Baby at home Lol.

We were in the car about 30 minutes later on the way to the hospital. I was yelling at her to GO, while I was squeezing tf outta my younger brothers baseball bat that just happened to be in her car. I flicked some chick off on the way there because she wouldn’t let us pass her. Those hormones are something serious


We got to the hospital around 9 a.m . I could barley walk in. Some old dude that was a part of the hospital staff came up to help my mom walk me in & I yelled“PLEASE JUST DONT TOUCH ME” at least I added the please in.

I was walked to the triage & that stupid nurse said “ okay get on the bed I’ll take your blood pressure & blood & see if you’re in labor because you might not be” BITCH TF?! I said “ I AM IN LABOR RIGHT NOW GET ME TO A ROOM BEFORE MY BABY POPS OUT OF ME” she kept being rude but took me to get a room.

Now I was trying to put the hospital gown on. Everything I learned, breathing techniques & all, just flew right out of my brain. All I knew to do was squeeze something. As soon as I got that gown on my water broke. That was the weirdest feeling ever. I started yelling “ OH SHIT OH SHIT MY WATER BROKE OH FUCK HELP ME” I got up on the bed. The nurse checked me while I was screaming (it was a different nurse now & she was so much help Appreciate her so much) “ LORD PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE OH LORD” “LORD I NEED ALL THE STRENGTH OH SWEET JESUS” 🙈🤣😂literally over & over lol. I was 8 & a half cm. I was screaming for the epidural.

She told me that I was almost there that I could do it I said FUCK THAT GIVE ME THE EPIDURAL NOW.

By this point I wasn’t getting any breaks between my contractions at all. So while I waited for my epidural I was stuck on the left side of my body yelling at the nurses to be quite. For some reason when they talked it made the pain worst lol I’m serious. They probably hated me. My body was pushing on its own. I was screaming “MY BABY IS COMING IM ABOUT TO SHIT & IM PISSING ALL OVER THE PLACE” lol ew. I felt somebody come put their hand on me put I pushed them off (my eyes were closed while I was screaming for the lord to help me) well it was my doctor that I pushed. Oops lol. He said it’s all going to be okay & that things are progressing very quickly. I wanted to say yea no shit?! But i didn’t lol

About 10 minutes later it was time to get my epidural. I couldn’t be still but I couldn’t roll to the right side because I was literally stuck on my left side so my nurse helped me & held me pretty much lol. The epidural didn’t hurt me at all. I felt like a little tiny prick. Thats it’s. The epidural slowed things down. But let me tell you, that epidural is a blessing. I don’t know what would’ve happened if I wouldnt had been able to get it.

About an hour later my nurse says it’s time, my doctor comes & 3 pushes later my baby girl is here. The moment I saw her I just started crying tears of joy & laughing because I was so happy. Her cord was wrapped around her neck but she was completely fine.

She was layed onto my stomach right after my doctor gave her a few little pats. She was already trying to make her way to my nipple. She latched On immediately✨💖 I was looking at her just crying so hard the happiest tears. I couldn’t believe that I actually just gave birth to such a little blessing. She was 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 20 inches long & a head full of hair. Big healthy girl!

I had to have an episiotomy which was so painful healing. & I lost a lot of blood. On top of that I had a hematoma while I was healing. Even my ass cheeks were black & blue. But I would do it a thousand times over again all for my baby girl. I am beyond blessed. She is my little miracle.

The entire 42 hour hospital stay we did skin to skin. We have such an incredible bond. Praise the Lord.

Now she’s 13 pounds and 25 inches long. She is such a happy baby, always smiling. My heart is filled with love.

(Sorry it’s so long😂)