Boyfriend Trouble... Am I overreacting?

Annaleise • Just a girl, finding her way in the world

So today me and my boyfriend were talking about sex and he brought up how I told my friend that we’ve done it, getting all defensive because he lies to his friends who ask him if he’s done it.

And I tell him that like they shouldn’t even be asking. Like it’s not of their business. I only told my friend because she was more experienced and I wanted her advice on some things.

So I told him next time they ask, you tell them it’s none of their damn business.

Then he begins asking why he can’t tell others and mainly it’s because I don’t trust high school boys with that kind of information. They spread it like wildfire and it doesn’t mean the same as it does to girls. It’s a trophy to most of them.

I told him this and he responds saying it’s mainly girls that ask.


Why would girls want to know? Why? I don’t ask ANY of my guy friends if they’ve done it with their girlfriends. That’s just fucking weird and suspicious. Like why do you need to know about my boyfriends sex life? Y DO U NEED TO KNOW?

Do you guys think I’m overreacting? I was honestly losing it in my mind when he told me. That’s just super weird.