

Disclosure: I’m entirely too hateful and grumpy to be awake right now and writing this..

My 18 mo decided to wake up and start crying at 5 am. Her crib is in our room. I had literally just started to fall asleep from being awoken by the kicking baby in my womb. I lay there, very still, hoping she’ll go back to sleep... Meanwhile, my SO decides to flip around in bed, tossing and turning, then finally gets up to go to the bathroom. When he comes back, he picks her up out of her crib and puts her in bed with us. Our child does not co sleep. If she’s in bed with us, it’s play time and game over (for me at least.. 😒) Of course, he has no problem falling right back to sleep and snoring while our child crawls all over me and onto my enormous belly.. 20 mins pass by... OK, I’LL GET UP WITH HER, SINCE I WAS BASICALLY VOLUNTEERED! 🤬 No, no.. You just sleep in, since you had such an exhausting night, staying up until 2:30 am gaming on your computer... OH, and we’re completely out of milk, to make things even better.... I really just want to cry. I mean, how are things going to be once this little one is born? I’m so tired and angry and just needed to vent... 😢