Stopping breastfeeding.


My babe is 7 months and so attached to my boobs. He can't sleep or go more than an hour without wanting to eat. He is up every hour to nurse since he was 4 months. I am tired and I have decided to stop nursing. I know that it is totally natural for him to want to eat all the time, but Idk maybe I'm just selfish. I have never had any breastfeeding support and was discouraged to do so by all of my family and friends as it was unfair that no one else could feed him, that it was gross. I made it to 7 months and I'm proud of that but I am feeling guilty taking it away. I plan on pumping so he will still get breatmilk but like ugh, I know he will want that closeness that breastfeeding gives. He will be so mad at me. 😔 But he can't stay latched even in dark quite rooms. He is eating all his food at night and just snacking during the day. I haven't spent more than 1 hour away from him since he has been born. idk am I just being selfish and childish?