I’m going to loose weight.


I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life but since going to college, I’ve gained more than the freshman 15. I absolutely hate my body right now and I don’t feel like I’m able to be who I want to be in this skin. I’m posting here to keep myself accountable. If any of you have tips on workouts in college gyms/dorm rooms or how to eat healthy with a dining hall, please please give me all the advice! I go back to school on Monday and that’s when I’m starting. No more skipping out. I have to get into shape. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been and I hate it. I want to be hot for my boyfriend. I want to be healthy when I graduate. I want to be a hot nurse. I’m not putting myself through the stress of nursing school to be a fat nurse who no one wants to take health advice from.

Starting weight: 215.5 lbs (3/10)

Starting pictures: