Get disturbing story out of my head


This my sound silly but it’s been bothering me for days now.

The other day I got bored on my lunch break at work and played around on Facebook.

I came across this story about a young girl who got high on meth or something and clawed her own eyes out. There was a warning that the story would contain graphic descriptions but I read it anyway, despite knowing better.

Well it was just as gross and horrifying as it sounds. I must have made a really weird face reading it because my coworker came to my desk and asked if I was ok.

Now I can’t get these horrible descriptions out if my head. I get grossed out easily and every time this story pops into my head I get lightheaded and it’s seriously haunting me right now.

I’m trying to distract myself but it’s hard. How do I get this out of my head?

Please don’t make fun of me. I’m not a teenager, I’m a grown woman.