perhaps due in November?! what do yall think?


had sex with my SO the last week of February and was apparently ovulating the first week of March with about 4 days between sex and most fertile day. I was so anxious to take a pregnancy test that I, of course, took one way earlier than need be lol. Took a clear blue Thursday afternoon around 4PM with a negative result in the 3 minute window. Now of course I couldn't resist the urge to look after 10 minutes had passed even though it's an inaccurate reading and noticed a line had come up. faint, but blue in color and not greyibsh or an indention like an evap. line. Got a pink dye test the very next morning, one first response early test and a digital one as well. Sure enough....within the 3 minute window on both tests, two pink lines and a yes+!