terrified to tell inlaws 😔


backstory.. hubby and I will be married 7 years this October. we have an almost 5 year old, we tried for awhile to get pregnant with baby number 2. it finally happened in 2016 we were thrilled, we miscarried at 6 weeks. it took almost exactly a year to get pregnant with our rainbow his due date was 8 days off from our angel babys. well now we have a beautiful 5 month old and we just found out we are expected number 3. they will be around a year and a week apart, my husband and I are nervous but also thrilled. I am nervous about telling his parents because they watch our kids for us now while we work, our 5 year old will be going to kindergarten in September, my hubby says not to worry they don't have to watch them if they don't want to. which I am ok with putting them in daycare if we can afford it, I am just worried about their reaction and also what other people are going to say.. some people are so judgemental. has anyone else dealt with this or have any advice, we are most likely going to tell them soon. Thanks ladies, much love ♥️😘