Does this sound like thrush? Please help

Sorry for the TMI folks.

So I’m coming towards the end of my 7 day period (I use tampons) and about two days ago I noticed that the inside of my vagina seemed tight, puffy and swollen. It feels like it is closing up!!!!! So much so that it now feels painful to insert a tampon it’s so swollen.

I’ve not experienced any itching pain or external redness or swelling. The only pain I’ve had is when trying to insert a tampon. Not really noticed any discharge either as I’ve been bleeding but today I noticed a small amount of clumpy discharge. No smell or anything and nothing excessive.

My SO has been an absolute gem and has been and bought me a clotrimazole pessary to use. But I’m just wondering does this sound like thrush?? I had it before but it was years ago and I remember the constant itch!!! Nothing like that now. Do you think I should be worried? Or have you ladies experienced something similar?

Thanks in advance x