What should I do?

Okay, I have a boyfriend that I love dearly but I also have a crush on a boy I go to school with. My boyfriend is nice to me when I’m with him (sometimes) but then ignores me or says mean things to me about me or my friends and talks about how he doesn’t need to talk to me on his “day off” from me. But the boy in school is so sweet to me, talks to me every moment he can, hugs me in front of all his friends(if I did that to my boyfriend he’d flip out), he looks at me in away that makes me feel so special and loved(the way I wish my boyfriend would look at me). All of my friends tell me to leave my boyfriend and be with the boy from school, but I’ve given all of my firsts of everything to my boyfriend and I don’t want to lose him and all the things we’ve done to a boy that could possibly be the same way in the future. What should I do??