Is this my soon to BFP or AF or IB?

My AF is never so late. (2-5 days late depending on my usual cycle)

I have had lots of pregnancy symptoms tgr past week including :

1. sore breasts leaking drops of white fluid,

2. continuous headache for over a week now. (i am prone to migraines, so hard to tell) + dizziness

3. I have also had some crazy cravings for some food which I am usually not so desperate for.

4. I also have this raw nauseating feeling from some food.

5. I can smell my neighbours baked food from over 12feet away with the doors closed. (I usually have a blocked nose and can barely smell things right, so this is unusual.)

6. stiff back and backache for over a week.

7 .Last night I had this sharp pain around my right lower abdomen. Now the pain isn't there anymore. Just se dull feeling that it was there.

8. I'm 16dpo.

9. I am too emotional. I don't usually cry so easily, but I have had tears for no hard reason whatsoever. for eg. I cried because there was a happy ending to the cartoon my DD was watching.

10. Now I just got this brown discharge and then an hour late some light red bleeding and quite medium amount of watery mucus.

11. I tried some old tests I had bought from ebay last year and they came out negative.

Should I test again with a clearblu test or is that my AF?