i survived


hello ladies.

my name is Christy and i am 23 years old. last year i went through an early term abortion. heres my story. it wasnt fun but i dont regret my decision at all. i am a sibgle part of my son who is 3 years old, and financially, i am struggling to support us but just barely making it. going through my abortion was not just hard, but the most eye opening experience i have ever had. the man to knocked me up was immature to say the least, had anger issues, and handled the whole thing with abusivness and control problems. he got me pregnant because we were both drunk and acted stupid. when i told him my period was late, he freaked out got angry at me and accused me of lying to him. i took a pregnancy test, confirmed i was pregnant, and immediately called planned parenthood to set up an appointment. PP set my appointment way too far in advanced on purpose (because i live on the bible belt where everyone makes it as hard as possible to get an abortion). but i accepted it because i had no other options. in the mean time, i decided to try out some natural methods that i found online. i began taking different herbs in capsuls and waaay too much vitamin C. i was desperate to get this baby out of me. the boy who impregnayed me threatened me when i would get emotional about it. saying if i didnt go through with the abortion then he wpuld punch me in the stomach while i slept. and if that didnt work he would wait til i had the baby, come in my house and strangle it. he would yell at me for not beong able to eat the same way, because i was sick and pregnant. he felt he was wasting money on me already. even though i worked, made more than him, and took care of myself. well anyways. weeks later it was finally time togo to planned parenthood which mind you is an hour drive from my home (gotta love the bible belt). i woke up that morning and it was raining hard and my cell had no service. i asked the dude if he could drive me to the appoibtment so i wouldn't get lost and he said no because he apperently had to work. he had previously told me he requested that day off. but whatever. i said ok and got in my care and made my way in the direction of PP. suddenly my cell service comes back on and the guy has been blowing up my phone for the last 30 minutes. when i answer he starts yelling, telling me i stormed out of his house and slammed the door. and he thought i had crashed in the rain. no ammount of my reasoning could settle him. so stupidly, i sat and waited for him to pick me up and take me the rest of the way. when he did, it was more screaming and arguing and him threatening to kick me out of the car in the middle of no where. when we finally got there lo and behold, we were late. the PP was basically ducked of in some sketchy back alley and was extremly hard to find. they told me there was nothing they could do for me except schedule another appointment which likely would be weeks ahead and require surgery. i lost it. i started crying and went to run out of the building. apperently duders

decided to spit on the employees of the place. when i called to, reschedule they told me they wouldnt help me at all. so i felt completely screwed and didnt know what else to do. it was by SOME MIRACLE that i found a quaint little place called the womens clinic. i called them and they were super nice to me, and scheduled me an appointment for the next day. i went by myself that time. i had to deal with protestors and annoying christians but i was safe inside the building. procedure was 5 pills over 48 hours and yes it did hurt. but i dont regret it at all. can you imagine having a kid by that guy? let alone already having a toddler and stuggling to support yourself and family? hell to the no. i did the right thing for me and probably the right thing by that fetus too. if you disagree with abortion then thats fine you may have your opinion. but im not here to argue. im here to lend my experience with other women who may be going through it. for those ladies feel free to contact me on here anytime. thanks for reading! (: