

Anyone else breastfeeding and still haven’t gotten their period again? My little man was born November 7th and Aunt Flo has yet to grace me with her presence. I am not on birth control, so that is not the answer. I know it can take a while to show up but I just feel weird not being pregnant and not having my period. Anyone else in the same boat?

Edtit: Yes, I do understand why this happens, I just find it weird and wanted to feel less alone. I won’t be getting on birth control and understand that this is not an effective way to manage ovulation. My Dr. did her due diligence 😉 Birth control has terrible side effects for me (tried several different ones) and baby number 2 wouldn’t be the worst thing that happened. We plan on trying anyway within the next 2 years. Thank you ladies for you replies! I already feel less alone in this ❤️