Help please!


Long post!!!

So i had a semi normal period at the beginning of this month. It ended normal and everything was fine. I started doing opks daily. About 3 days in i got was looked like the beginning of a surge accompanied with raw egg white mucus. We Bd every other day until yesterday. I continued to have the raw egg white mucus. It lasted about 4 days. Yesterday i noticed it was bloody. Only when i wiped. It got increasingly heavier as the day went on so i used a tampon. I changed it a couple times. Fast forward to this morning i woke up covered in blood. I ran to the bathroom and when i sat on the toilet the blood continued to drip/pour out. No clots. Just bright red blood. I have since changed my tampons about 8 times today. Lots of bloating and upper abd pain. According to the app i should be ovulating. But i think i already did. I took an opk and a pregnancy test. The opk looked like it was almost positive and the pregnancy test was negative. I’m not sure what’s going on. I know this is super long. Just unsure what is going on with my body. If anyone has any insight please share!!! Thanks!