Sahm who decided to go back to work?

Did anyone decide to go back after one year just for better life? I don’t like the cutting back on expenses. My baby is 1 and I’m thinking of working atleast part time so he can learn in a play school and I can contribute like start his college fund and also we can buy a house soon which at this rate may never happen coz we are stuck in the same spot.

While we are ok and live a decent life , I think one person working is setting us back and having more kids will make it harder and my husband is completely against it right now as he feels pressured. He makes good money (commission sales so it varies) but he is stressed and feels stuck in his job coz now he has a family to support.

I personally also don’t want to have another one till he’s 5 and in school. I’m only 28 so it works for me to wait. Maybe after two I’ll sahm but right now I think I can work 3-4 years and really help our financial situation such as get as out of debt. Originally I had intended to be a sahm and I feel bad leavivd my baby but I don’t think this can last more than six months. I’m not bored I just don’t like starving ourselves of any pleasure like no college fund for baby, no house yet just a tiny apartment and vacations or dinners are impossible and I’m at that point where we may have to get rid of my car so I’ll be stuck at home even more and we also have $10,000 in debt form my student loans and some of his credit cards.

We aren’t on any government help and don’t want to if we can avoid it. I don’t want to work or leave my baby but I have a feeling it may improve our life overall-advice?