Am I ok to be upset about this? Or am I overreacting?

Ok I'll try to keep it short. My boyfriend plays a co-ed sports game. This doesn't bother me. They change in the same room together (everyone). This bothered me a little in the beginning but now I'm over it. But there's this one girl that I had a weird feeling about since the beginning. She and my boyfriend would always try to sit together on the bench when their period was up. The game is technically physical, but no one is, it's a pick up game so it's not really normal to be physical. My boyfriend and her are always "play fighting" and she will make a point to go and play hard against him, pin him against the wall (he'll do that to her too). Literally no one else in the game is physical with each other. When she left early one game he made a point to ask me if I knew why. He never cares when anyone else leaves early. This was a couple months ago.

Then recently, a guy was sitting next to me talking about my boyfriend and how he would grab her butt and slap it. Then he over heard her say "that's mine" and my boyfriend shrugged and then slapped her butt. I talked to my boyfriend about it and he denied it. Then, last week, they are playing together again and she makes a point to ask him if he was playing back to back or coming to sit down. It's irritating the crap out of me. Especially because usually when I have a gut feeling, it's right.

Anyway, am I overreacting? If they do weird stuff together again today I'm going to bring it up.