Completely missed my period-but got a negative result 😓

My partner and I have been discussing having a child in the past few month. We didn't do much to actively try in February, so I expected all to go as normal... Should have started on the 7th and ended today. I worked all morning picked up 2 tests. I did a bad thing and took one on a rather shy bladder after chugging water and got a negative result.. at the same time, I figured if I am pregnant, then surely the hormone would be visible enough even if it's not concentrated?? Right? But, alas, I have one for the morning as well, and that should give me some finality. Long night...and very anxious 🙄 honestly don't know why else I would skip my period. My weights consistent, I'm not especially stressed, I have this month consumed far less dairy than normal, but my diet has if anything, only ever delayed my period a few days. I'm not having any period symptoms,usually for me that means, sore breasts, severe cramps and fatigue...aside from irritability and hunger, that's definitely going down, but I'm also not having any pregnancy symptoms. If anyone else has experienced something like this and has any advice, I'd be grateful ❤️