What if...

Madi • 💙 Sep.05.2020 🌈 - 🕊️ Nov.27.2022 👼 - 💙 Oct.2.2024 🌈

Okay, so, I know I am completely just crazy right now, because my temperature dropped as you can see below:

But I honestly think I might be pregnant. I KNOW, I'm crazy!! This is so crazy. Last night I puked, for absolutely no reason. Today, I can literally smell EVERYTHING like a superhuman. Only problem is I hate how everything smells. I feel sick when I smell anything other than just plain air. I dont know. I'm 10dpo, so I cant take a test yet. I know it'll be negative, I can tell by my charts, but I just feel so different. I know it's stupid to hope when the data says I'm not but, I just hope so bad. I felt so let down after my temp dropped but today I just cant stop thinking that maybe... I cant even think of a way to end that sentence my fiance is vaping and the smell is awful. Anyway, just talk me down from this. Please slap some sense into me.

Temp is slowly going back up!!!??? 11dpo today