so pretty much every month of my entire menstruating life i have always thought i was pregnant when my period was late. whether i was having sex or not i was always paranoid. and this month as been very very stressful for me. i started birth control (was on it for about a week) and it really really messed with my anxiety, prompting me to stop taking it and have panic attacks almost on a daily basis. and my period is scheduled to start two days ago but it hasn’t yet and i had sex this month (with pulling out and condom) and not on my ovulation week bc i don’t play w that. now i’m paranoid i am pregnant because my period is late and i’m petrified to take a pregnancy test, but i’m wondering if anyone else has experienced a late period from anxiety and stopping birth control and what they would do in my situation. also i might add that my ovaries cramp a lot and there’s been some activity in the last couple days in there but no period cramps. i’m having pms symptoms though. send help