TMI is this blood clot normal??

Sorry for the nasty pictures but could anyone tell me if this could mean anything? This period has been by far the WORST I have ever had. My cramps are normally pretty painful where I have to take ibuprofen 2 times a day to be able to be productive, but the cramps I am having this period are so much worse. Sometimes ibuprofen won’t even work, the past two nights I have woken up because I was in pain so bad and I had trouble falling asleep. I have cramps most all day unless the ibuprofen works and they have gotten so bad that I don’t want to breath, move, or walk. I haven’t had a blood clot in a very long time and I’ve never had one this big. I had unprotected sex about 5 weeks ago but he pulled out (not sure if this has anything to do with the blood clot). Could this be the reason my period is so painful this month?

• this may seem like a stupid question but this period has been so weird I just had to ask•