Baby eczema and cradle cap


Hey mamas. Part 1: My little babe has broken out in eczema all over his bod. His whole chest is covered in red blotches.

Part 2: he has an extremely dry scalp from cradle cap, only dry patches no yellow scaled parts

I have tried all the creams as well as a baby aveeno oatmeal bath soak. So far nothing is helping. I am laying off the baths for a couple of nights to help give him a break.

His skin seems ok but he keeps scratching his head so i guess the cradle cap is itchy.

I went to the health food store and the lady told me to put aloe Vera on his head to relieve itch and put it on his skin to help eczema. She told me to go see a naturopath to get to the root of why he has eczema. Anyone know if aloe Vera is safe for babies?

My doctor gave me a steroid cream which i don’t really want to put on his skin.

Any advice from eczema experienced mamas.. everyone tells me something different and I’m so confused and feel bad for my little man!