Hormonal IUD Stories (Share your experiences!)


I am 21 and have been on birth control for almost 8 years due to irregularities in my period. I have had at least 7 bad experiences where the pharmacy changed my pills or my doctor was out of town and couldn't write me a new prescription. I am sick of the control of my body being entirely up to the doctor, my pharmacy and my prescription so I brought up an IUD at my last Gyno appointment. My doctor is extremely old fashioned and told me that since I've been with the same guy for 4 years that we should start thinking about marriage and kids. He also doesn't recommend IUDs for young women who haven't had kids yet because it could affect your chances of getting pregnant. I'm not ready for children and won't be for years! I plan on pressing the matter at my next appointment to get a small IUD but I want to hear your experiences!

What are your experiences with IUDs and would you recommend it for someone like me?