
I've been looking for a good job using my degree in electrical work and carpentry lately. The day after I submitted a resume I get a call from a local airport. I interviewed the following Monday, took a drug screen, etc. I was offered the job three days later! The best parts are, 1) there were two job posted that I looked at for this airport. I applied for one and skipped the other because, I didn't think I was qualified for it. They however, felt differently and interviewed then hired me for the better position that I thought I wasn't qualified for! 2) The position pays more than I have ever made in my life! 3) The training and experience I am going to get at this job is going to open so many doors for me in the future! I'm so excited and nervous all at once! I start next Monday. I seriously hope I don't screw this opportunity up! 😀😆😁😅😉