any success stories with a BFP naturally when your other half has low motility and low count?


So I had a really bad gut feeling that my husband and I weren't going to be able to conceive and this is our 11th month.... His semen analysis shows 73% immotile and that he had 26.5 million sperm in the sample 😢😢😢 my Dr said we need referring for fertility but because I have a daughter with my ex (she is my whole world and I am beyond grateful for having her), we won't qualify for funding unless I have additional problems. I have put myself through hell this past 11 months trying for a baby (I have ptsd due to my first relationship being very abusive and nothing physical was consensual, so I struggle greatly with the physical side of a relationship) and my daughter is desperate to be a big sister. I guess I'm just wondering if there is any hope at all or anything we can do to improve our chances. Thanks in advance