My 5 months old hates tummy times


So I've heard that tummy time is important for babies, to have strong back and neck muscles.

My peds advise me to train my baby since she is few weeks old. We've done that and she hates it. Every time we put her on her tummy she screams. We've try toys, play gym, stay same position like her etc none work. My baby is a temper girl so every time we try with her tummy time she got angry and cried for hour. So me and my husband agree to skip it. We said whoever says it must .. go to hell. It's not worth watching her cried. So it went by like that and now she is five months old still hates tummy time. I've developed to control her temper and try again tummy time with her. Now she can do tummy time with her head up for about max ten minutes. But she doesn't roll over to sit yet. We buy many support chairs, toys for her just to make her interest but we failed. My baby is so much attached to me and my husband. She doesn't want to do or stay anything on her own. Not even for five minutes. I'm really worried that she will be late in things that she supposed to develop. Any advice guys?