First miscarriage

K • Step momma 07/08/2017💜, Mom of 2 angels 03/10/2018, Sawyer Lynn 8/20/2018👼

i was told about a year ago due to a hormone imbalance i couldnt bear children. February 27th I got my first positive test. it was an early response test I took a couple more to confirm all were positive. went to the doctor urine and quant came back negative. I was told to wait a week test again and go from there. so March 7th I took a regular test it was faint but positive. waited until Friday and took another one a little darker positive line. I went to the doctor and my urine was still negative so he did a quant test and said he'll call with results but expect negative. he called later that evening just as we were heading to dinner and gave us the news that my quant levels showed an 8! meaning I was about 3 to 4 weeks along. Friday night around 1a.m. I wake up to sharp painful cramps I went to the bathroom and gushed blood and clots. I knew this meant I had lost it. I gathered myself up and cleaned up and went into bed to tell my boyfriend and he was helpful and calming then and I ended up sleeping on the couch to use the heating pad for cramps. Now yesterday and today first 48 hours after everything he just seems short and angry with me for getting upset and still crying. if I get frustrated and cry he gets more mad and says "why the he'll are you crying now?". He has a daughter with another woman from before and although we can't afford a baby right now I was excited and ready to do what it took he didn't seem upset at the loss or hurt he just brushed it off like no big deal and he acts like I'm suppose to do the same. he doesn't realize that every time I go to the bathroom it's an ugly reminder of what I've lost all written out in red for me. i want him to understand how hard this is for me without making him feel bad but i cant figure out how because everything i say hes been taking the wrong way. i dont know if this is his geiving process or what but its making it harder for me and making me feel more alone than ever before.