I hope this is our sign!

Stephanie • 👶🏼 02.05.19 - 👶🏼 10.22.20 - 🤰 7.4.23

My husband and I have been married for three months now. Just a few weeks ago, we decided it was time to TTC. I’ve only told my mom about our plans, but we have told everyone else we are waiting until one year.

Yesterday my uncle asked if we have any news.

This morning my sister text me out of the blue asking if we were going to have a baby yet.

I had lunch with my grandma today who told me that she dreamt last night I told her we were pregnant and asked if we were.

I’m hoping that this is a sign that they can all see something that I can’t yet!

I’m 8dpo and AF is due on 3/17. I’m very anxious to test, but trying to hold off a few more days!