Take a look at this craziness...help!


Ok ladies. Doc says I’m borderline PCOS. My testosterone and Amh was slightly high, I’m thin, and have long irregular cycles, but ultrasound looked normal.

My last 3 cycles were each 32 days, and I ovulated on day 18 or 19 each cycle, according to my opks. I confirmed with digital opks.

This cycle I’m now on cd 21, and have yet to get a positive opk. I’ve been testing 2 or 3 times a day with wondfo opks, and I used some clear blue digital opks when the wondfos have looked close to positive. All of the digitals have read LOW.

Doctor wants us to try natural <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> starting in April. We had planned to do it naturally (meaning no clomid/femara/trigger/monitoring) since the past few cycles have been consistent and I’ve gotten positive opks. However now I’m not getting a positive, and I’m concerned I’m gonna have to cancel the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> next month because I won’t be able to get a positive opk. Here are this cycles’ opks. Any of you have experience not getting positive?