AF 13 days late


I’m currently 13 days late for AF & still getting BFNs.. Two days before expected AF, I had what I believed was implantation bleeding - I wiped once & there was quite a bit of light pink discharge. If I am pregnant, I’m wondering if I ovulated late, therefore I don’t have enough HCG yet to get detected by a home pregnancy test? I noticed that if I leave my pregnancy tests out for about an hour, a very, VERY faint pink line kind of shows up, but I just can’t justify it because it’s past the window of time. Also, I noticed within the past week that the skin above my lip is getting darker & I even had a coworker ask me if I was pregnant because apparently “pregnancy mask” (I didn’t know what this was before she mentioned it!) is a symptom - I looked it up & my upper lip looks exactly like the pics online! I’d love to hear your thoughts or personal experiences!! If af doesn’t show up by tomorrow, I will call my doctor.