Incompetent cervix...

AJ 💙

Sorry if I post too much or ask too much . I have no one to talk to about this . I have found the time to calm myself down & start making a list of questions for the high risk ob at my appointment on Tuesday. From what I understand after all this blur of crying and thinking. When I was sent to the ER after finding out at my anatomy scan. Baby is healthy heartbeat is good. I feel him moving like normal. At the ER they doctor checked me & said I'm 1cm dilated & could see "bulging membranes" she then went out & got an opinion from another doctor who then suggested the cerlauge was to risky. Now that I'm calm and thinking I'm thinking

1. She got an opinion from a doctor that didn't even come in to see me

2. She says cervix is "thick" so that's good?

3. I was put on progesterone suppositories what are they for exactly

4. I was sent home so it can't be that bad right

5. I'm on bedrest & idk if this is possible but I hope so , hoping baby will have moved and babies water bag won't be in the way so I can have a cerclage

6. Can I undialate lol

Writing this as I am calmed down and having hope 💙