
So I just took a HPT and it was POSITIVE. The lines came up super quick haha. I showed my husband and we were both in tears and just speechless. We have been trying for 4 years now, I think I am 9 weeks and 2 days but I have to still go to the doctor to confirm it's in fact real. I have all the symptoms of pregnancy and I have been telling my husband that I really haven't felt like myself in a when. He could kinda tell with me just bitching all the time for the last couple weeks. I don't normally bitch evidently so that was an eyebrow raise concern lmao, I'm over the moon right now and EXTREMELY NERVOUS 😂😂😂😂😂. Hoping for a little girl but we shall see what happens with the weeks following 😘🤗🙄🤰👩‍👩‍👧💙💚💝💞❣️