How long to wait?


My original plans on how my family was going to be set was for me to have my first baby and then a year or two later have another one. I want them to grow up together. And maybe between them have my 3rd one in 4 to 5 years then the fourth again a year or two after. I thought I was going to deliver naturally but as I am 4'11" and was carrying an almost 9lb baby my doctor said I could try to deliver naturally but had to be induced. Well needless to say I guess my baby and body wasn't ready so I had to have a c section. Now I've been told to wait 4 to 5 years to have my next one but honestly I don't want to. I had my baby in January but I would still want to proceed with my plan!😭 Let me know your experiences ladies. I'll be talking to my doctor soon but I still want to know by you ladies who have been through this.

My 2 month old baby who I get told constantly doesn't look that small. 😂