Pain questions- please help!


Long story short. I’ve worked on my feet (restaurants, retail, etc) for most of my adult life. About a year ago, I started working in a doctors office. I was laid off a month ago and went back to the bar I worked at before. I am 21 weeks pregnant.

First day back was Friday and I worked all weekend. Yes my body is sore but I expected that. What i didn’t expect was a throbbing ache in my cervix. (This is very different than than the short jabs of the lightning crotch- that’s been on and off for a week or 2) The current throbbing pain started around 2 pm Sunday and has remained pretty constant. Its worse when standing or walking around and lessens when sitting or lying down. It’s not excruciating, but very uncomfortable and a scary brand new feeling. No major cramping or bleeding going on. Had plenty of water. (Always the first line of defense. Lol)

I’ve emailed my doctor already but can’t sleep. While I’m waiting to hear back, I was hoping for some peace of mind or advice. This is my first and I’m a bit nervous when new pains/symptoms show up. I have a. anterior placenta and I haven’t felt her yet- so i can’t even use feeling her move as reassurance. I googled it and it’s mixed- some say it’s normal and some say terrifying things like “pre term labor.”

Does anyone have any experience with this type of pain? If so, did you go get it checked and what was the verdict? Would suddenly being on my feet 10 plus hours a day be a factor? YEven if you haven’t experienced it, what would you do?

TIA! 💕