Back again


Started having light brown spotting yesterday morning. It had sort of stopped though. Wiped just now and it’s red. I know they say some bleeding is normal but this is around when I miscarried last time, 4-5 weeks.

People told me I’d have no problems getting pregnant and they were sort of right. The only 3 times we tried I had a cp, then the mc, and now so you can’t say we’re not compatible or that I’m not fertile.. but they always made it seem like nothing would go wrong and silly me I believed them because hey I’m 27, I’m active, I don’t smoke or do any drugs and once we decided we wanted a baby I stopped drinking caffeine and alcohol so here I am thinking I have this in the bag.

I don’t understand people who try for years on end. The heartache you all go through..

I told my husband I’d give it a couple more tries but honestly my backup plan of getting a hysterectomy and adopting is sounding more and more of an attractive idea.